Friday, May 2, 2014

Morning Song

Look who was singing outside my window this morning! As I gazed at my sleepy face in the bathroom mirror, I heard a happy song close by. When I turned and looked out the window, there he was, singing his little heart out. In fact, I still hear him. He's probably singing for a female cardinal who's near, but I'd like to think he's singing for me, too. Thankfully he stayed put while I ran downstairs for the camera and attached the big zoom lens.

Thanks, Mr. Cardinal, for a sweet start to my Friday! Who knows? Maybe I'll join your happy morning is bound to be good for body and soul. Have a wonderful day and a great weekend!


  1. Especially love the one with his mouth open. These are great. Be thankful he's not dive bombing your window. We have a kamikaze female cardinal who hates her reflection.

    1. We had a male doing that one spring...for weeks! Now it's the bluebirds. They sure are territorial!

  2. Love these pictures! I have a lot of cardinals, too.

  3. Oh, I forgot. It's me, Linda.

    1. Hi Linda! Hope all is well across the mountains!

  4. Love the mid-note 'open beak' shot too and this post reminds me of Johnny Cash singing, "a cardinal sang just for me and I thanked him for the song . . . ".
    ~Laura G.

  5. What a handsome visitor! He looks so fine in that setting with all the white blossoms.

    1. Believe it or not, all these photos were taken through the window! I've had pretty good luck with bird photography like that. The photos have a rather soft look instead of a nice sharp focus, but it seems to work. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love the softness of your photos here...and he is sooo handsome and my favorite bird.
    xo bj


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